Story & Philosophy

The history of the village houses

"Abbrandler" - that was not exactly a polite name given to the citizens of Waldeck after the destruction of their community. In fact, almost no one was to be blamed for the terrible fire in 1794, when a horrific thunderstorm caused the blaze that destroyed everything 57 families had created. But just one day after the event of the century, the people of Waldeck came together resolutely and organized the rebuilding of their community. But in a new location: directly on the trade route from Franken to Böhmen.

The plan for the new building came from the electoral master builder Dobmayer. All the houses were to be 40 shoes to the ground (1 shoe = 32 centimetres). The width was based on the need for stables and workshops. This meant that there were no major differences in the appearance of the village. Only the longest house, the vicarage, with a length of 50 shoes, stands out from the streetscape.

Vacation in our hometown

"We wanted to do something about the situation, do something good for our village and show guests that it's beautiful here," says Elisabeth Zintl.
The passionate family found their highly personal and exciting answer in the touristic use of old buildings. Several of the existing buildings in the village are being renovated peau a peau with great attention to detail and modernized for visitors.
This is how the Hollerhöfe came into being.

Hollerhöfe - Zu Gast im Dorf

The magic of the elderberry

When we think of magical gardens, we imagine them to be enchanted witches' gardens. Far from it: many magical plants grow in our ordinary home gardens. We just don't know it.

It protects against lightning, fire and disease, snakebites and mosquito bites, harbors good-humored house spirits and brings prosperity and peace: The black elder. The elderberry, as it is also popularly known, still grows in front of house entrances in old gardens and can be seen as a symbol for all those plants that were once believed to have magical, healing powers. For example, a newlywed couple was given a lucky charm made of elder wood. The elder bush was regarded as an agricultural oracle and a defensive charm against evil forces, a lucky charm and a useful plant all in one. In short: the tree with the Latin name "Sambucus nigra" was not only planted as an decorative ornament in front of the entrance, but also had clear functions to fulfill - but within a framework of meaning that we dismiss today as medieval superstition, but which continues as a living custom to the present day.